Monday, 26 January 2015

My first nomination for a tag..

Oooh this is exciting stuff, my first nomination for a tag goes to the incredibly beautiful and talented Lily over at, check our her answers here. So thank you very much Lily :D 

1) What have you always wanted?  Did you ever get it, or are you still wishing?
To go to DisneyLand, my dream came true when I was 7 and then also when I was about 11. So yes it did come true and it was absolutely magical but I still want to go again so I am still wishing too.. 

2) If you could be any age for a week, what age would you be?
I'm pretty sure I would go back to being 7/8. I feel they would have been the best years with nothing to worry about at school, no exams or pressure to do well. Also, my mum and dad would have still been together which is also a bonus. 

3) What do you find uplifting?
Knowing that I genuinely have the best friends in the whole wide and knowing that no matter what I will always have the most supportive friends, family and boyfriend there for me through life's ups and downs. 

4) What’s the weirdest thing about you?
Interesting question.. hmm.. one thing that is slightly odd for my age group and where I am from is that I have an obsession with country music. I can mention some artists like Brad Paisley, Steve Holy and Blake Shelton at sixth form and no one would have a clue who they were yet they are all over my iTunes account! 

5) What’s the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Pretty sure it was me dreading getting back an RE essay that I did last week! I hate that subject so much, it just baggles my brain. 

6) When was the last time you bought something, and what was it?
The last time I bought something that wasn't food related was on Sunday and I went to a little cute shop with lots of crafty home items and I saw something which just grabbed my attention and I just had to get it. My friend is totally obsessed with owls and has a whole collection of owl items and so I picked up a little wooden owl sign with a cute quote written on it. Forgot to give it her today so fingers crossed she isn't reading my blog today or I will have totally ruined the surprise.. oops

7) Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks, or some looks for intelligence?
Definitely trade looks for intelligence. My sister is a little brainbox and I am always being compared to her. It's not that I don't put the time or the effort into my work, I just struggle with a lot of concepts in the lessons that I take, especially RE. 

8) Do you have a strong local accent?
I have a really weird accent and I am not to sure where it is from at all. There are a few people at my sixth form who don't believe that I was born in Preston and have lived there all my life because of my voice. I don't have a typically northern accent but I did when I was younger. At some point over time my voice changed though and I am not entirely sure why. 

9) What’s your favourite line from a film?
This is an easy one for me "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get" from the film Forrest Gump. Not only is this one of my favourite films it is so true. Life can just spring things totally unexpectedly at you and you have to react whether good or bad and you never know what each day is going to bring. 

10)Have you ever been the subject of a rumour?
I've been quite lucky in the fact that I have never been the subject of a rumour that I can think of. I'm sure I will have been a subject in a petty little rumour as a kid but nothing springs to mind that has ever influenced me or hurt me. 

Thank you very much Lily for the nomination, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers and completing my first tag. Now for my questions: 

1) If you could describe your life with a film title what would it be?
2) If you could live anywhere in the world what would it be?
3) You can only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4) What is one goal for 2015?
5) You get to go on a £1000 shopping spree, which shop would you choose?
6) What is your go-to outfit?
7) Which of your parents are you most similar to?
8) What is your best childhood memory?
9) What are three things you can't live without?
10) Is there anything you regret in the last 12 months?

I've decided to nominate 4 people, but if you have any good answers to any questions then please share them below :) 

Rob ...
Jade ...
Sarah ...
Scott ...

Have fun guys!! 

Sunday, 25 January 2015

I'm in a cute mood so here goes..

It is crazy how fast these past two years have gone, it has been a whole 2 years since I first started seeing Rob and time has flown by so quickly that it is scary. We've been through a lot and it has been one hell of an adventure.

It's crazy how much Rob has been there for as a lot has happened in the past two years, he's seen me through the best parts of my life and also the worst times of the life and I couldn't be more grateful for everything he has done for me. Here are my top 3 moments from our time together:

1) Our first holiday abroad together (Salou, Spain) 
After a year together we decided that we would take a holiday together and we spent hours and hours looking at potential different places to go and we eventually decided on Delfin Park Hotel, Salou, Spain and oh my god it was the best week of my life, I loved it so much. Just being able to sit back and relax in the sun and not having to worry about anything was perfect. We went just a couple of weeks after my end of year exams had finished and to be able to sit around and do absolutely nothing was so enjoyable and obviously the company was just perfect. 

Best week of my life

2) Rob's award evening
I mentioned this evening a couple of months back, Rob got so many trophies and awards for his running in 2014 and it was one of my proudest moment, along with him running the London Marathon back in April. The only downside of Rob's running is he literally goes for a run every single day and it means sometimes I don't get to see him as much as I would ideally like but if that is the only thing I can complain about then I think we're doing pretty well as a couple :P 

He's so handsome!!! 

3) Seeing my husband Olly Murs together
In August Rob and I bought tickets to a concert hosted by a local radio station Key103 where different acts perform and as we got tickets so early (Concert wasn't until December) the line-up hadn't been announced yet. I'd kept checking the website to see who was performing and it wasn't until a week before the concert that I found out Olly Murs was playing and was absolutely ecstatic! Me and Olly were made to be together, Olly and Molly, Molly Murs.. the names just go together don't they?! And to be able to share the concert with Rob was great too.. not sure he was too impressed though :P But luckily for Rob we are going to see Olly again in April together haha!! 

My baby <3 

I love him to the moon and back and hopefully we will be together for many many more years to come. So Rob, words cannot explain how lucky I am to have you are how much you mean to me, thank you for everything xxx

(Sorry for the soppiness guys)

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Fitness update

We are 15 days in and I have still not broken my new year's resolutions of getting healthier. My main aim is to basically be happy in a bikini when I go on holiday in July. I'm not into these crash diets that people go on so I am starting the fitness and healthy eating now rather than leaving it until 2 weeks before I go on holiday and panicking!

Since the start of January I have done quite well, yes there have been a few slip-ups on occasional days but all this healthy eating stuff is new to me, i've always eaten what I wanted, when I wanted within reason - if I craved a packet of crisps, I will have eaten a packet of crisps.

So far this month I have eaten much healthier, limiting what I eat and trying to avoid crisps and chocolates as much as usual. The look on some of my friend's faces when I pulled out a salad for my lunch on the first day was amusing. I went shopping with Rob for some healthier food and got a selection including lettuce, cucumber, carrots, kiwis, smoothies and peppers and for now I'm going to be sticking to a few healthy meals at a time. I believe that if you just make a drastic change you will never keep the motivation going, instead you will get bored and your hard work will have gone to waste.

I have also got more involved with the whole fitness side of staying healthy too. Since January I have gone on a couple of runs, been to the gym a few times (either with Rob or friends from sixth form, not a fan of going alone) and also started going to football again too. I want to start doing some home workouts too but not really sure where to start, anyone know any good websites with ones that work on? youtube tutorials? or exercise DVDs? Or even a good 30 day challenge, last year I attempted the 30 day squat challenge, my god was it hard work but I definitely saw results even after just a few days.

I'm going to set myself 3 different goals each month related to fitness and health:

  • Try to drink the recommended 2 litres of water a day.
  • Go to the gym at least twice a week as well as football practice each Tuesday
  • Start a new workout that I can do at home

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Make up phobia

It's my 19th birthday coming up (yes I know I look about 12, I feel it too don't worry) and I have been debating what to wear, how to have my hair and what make up to wear. I have decided on what to wear, a lovely playsuit thanks to the Boohoo boxing day sales and I know how I am going to have my hair. The only problem is the make up side of things. I hardly ever wear make up, and even when I do it literally takes me about 5 minutes - I will put the tiniest bit of foundation on as well as a lick of mascara and lipstick and then it's done. For my birthday though I want to do something different, more adventurous but I am honestly terrible at applying make up. As some of those who follow me on snapchat will know as they saw my miserable make up practice, when I try to attempt a smoky eye look this just turns into me looking like I have a black eye - not exactly the look I was going for.

So two nights ago I was there for hours and hours and hours trying to get some form of eye make up to look like it was supposed to be there and not like a 4 year old had drawn on my face and after many attempts I finally got something that I was a little bit impressed by - bear in mind this was the first time I had ever ever done eyeliner in my whole entire life!

Now I just need to sort out everything else: eyebrows, lips, foundation, blusher, bronzer, contouring (this thing I had never heard of before until I was watching a gazillion youtube tutorials today) and I feel completely out of my depth with it all. Also, going back to youtube vidoes, why do some tutorials claiming to be for 'complete beginners' do some weird tricky stuff that I will not in a million years be able to achieve.

Anyone got any really good easy make up tips or want to just be my personal make up artist for the rest of my life? Any offers welcome, will pay you in sweets and crisps.

Moll xx

Monday, 5 January 2015

Last day off

I go back to sixth form tomorrow after the most amazing winter break. Christmas was fantastic and so was my New Year. Thank you to everyone who was a part of my holiday and made it so brilliant.

Today was the last day of my holidays and I realised that I had left everything till the last minute like usual so to make sure that I got everything done that I needed to, I created a good old to-do list. I love lists and will make one at every opportunity haha, I love the feeling of ticking stuff along the way. Is this just me or do other people get enjoyment from this too?! What made my day even more productive was that my mum and sister were back to school today so I had the house to myself and could do things when I wanted and how I wanted.

My list was packed with various things such a homework, tidying, exercise, walking the dog and just getting all the final things sorted before heading back to school. What I thought would take me all day only lasted a morning because I tried to get everything done as soon as possible which means that now I have the remainder of the afternoon and evening off and it feels great that I am not rushing around late at night getting everything sorted.

This term though is where everything suddenly starts getting real. The run up to Christmas at sixth form is a bit slow and it doesn't really matter if you don't get your work in on time or haven't got much attention or motivation for a lesson but now things are getting serious. I have my final A Level exams EVER in just 5 months and I am already scared and freaking out over them. I have decided I am not leaving everything till the last few weeks but I am going to start my revision now and draw up a massive timetable for revision to make sure I do it properly. I've just invested in a large 2015 diary which will be my lifesaver these next few months making sure that I do the right amount of revision per subject. I am actually quite proud with how organised I have become recently - I always used to forget about homework, lose all my classwork and my folders used to be an absolute mess but now they are all neat and tidy and it is a God send.

I will keep you all updated with how revision and things is going (oooh lucky you) and any tips on the best revision tips and highly appreciated, I need as much help as I need.

Good Luck to everybody doing exams this year, I know lots of people at local collages have their mock exams in the next couple of weeks and I am sure you will all do fab, and if for whatever reason they don't go too well then believe me they aren't the end of the world.
Moll xx

Sunday, 4 January 2015

New Years' Resolutions

I would like to start this blog by apologising about the writing challenge, I DID RUBBISH! I usually have lots to talk about and often hold back in my writing but over the last month I had complete writers block and also I have to admit, I completely forgot about the challenge most of the time and was too busy caught up with family events over the Christmas period. I hope everybody else had an enjoyable Christmas, I know I definitely did, I will post a few Christmas present snaps another day soon! :D

I have never been a fan of New Years' Resolutions as I am horrendous at keeping them so this year I am just setting myself one or two goals that I want to be able to say I have completed this time next year.

Firstly, I want to do well enough in my A-Level exams this year to get into my number one university which is Cumbria! Teaching is all I have ever wanted to do and to be able to get onto a course enabling me to do this would just be fantastic so my fingers are crossed.

Secondly, I want to take up running again. I went through a phase of running and being a member of a club a couple of years back which is how I met my wonderful Rob and I did actually really enjoy it so I want to pick this up again and see if I can run longer and quicker. I often think about running more but I always give up but I want to have the motivation to do better this time round and get more stamina. Anyone fancy being my personal trainer then give me a shout? :P

If anyone has any tips regarding running then let me know or leave a comment!

Moll x