Thursday, 7 January 2016

Top 10 of 2015

I thought that seen as it's the new year and everyone is looking forward to what 2016 might bring I would start the year with a round up of my top moments of 2015.

1) Getting into uni:
- After all the stress of A-Levels exams and coursework it was such a relief to get into my first choice university doing the course I have only dreamed of since I was tiny.

(From university of cumbria website)
2) Freshers week:
- I met the most amazing people and gelled with them straight away! 

Sugarhouse Sep '15
3) Rob's marathon:
- Never have I felt so much pride than when Rob finished the London Marathon hand-in-hand with Paula Radcliffe. Seeing him on the TV, in newspapers and hearing him on the radio afterwards made me so so proud and he even ended up in the Guardian newspaper on Boxing Day as one of their 'highlights of the year'. WHOOPEE GO ROB! 

London Marathon finish straight Apr '15
4) Prom night:
- There was no better way to finish of the school year than celebrating the end of exams with all my sixth form friends and teachers. Getting to party the night away with all my favourite people has definitely got to be one of my highlights. 

Glovers Bar June '15
5) Indoor Skydiving:
- Not going to lie, I have never been more scared in my life but oh my gosh what an amazing experience it was! I would honestly recommend indoor skydiving to anyone, the place Rob and I went to was incredible and so reassuring. 

Airkix skydiving centre Feb '15

6) Family Holiday:
- This year I went to Barcelona with my mum and my sister and it was so nice to get away for a couple of days in summer. I had previously been to Barcelona on a day trip when I went on holiday with Salou with Rob but it was nice to be able to explore the city properly without too much time restrictions. 
Magic Fountain Aug '15
7) Holiday to Malta with Rob

- Once again I was lucky enough to go away with Rob for a week at the beginning of summer. This year we went to St Pauls Bay in Malta and it was beautiful - let's just ignore the parts where I got seasick on a cruise to Gozo and fainted due to dehydration... 

St Pauls Bay July '15
8) Wesham Road Runners Presentation Evening
- This was the 3rd year that I was able to go to the running club's presentation evening and what a night it was. It was full of food, celebration and dancing, what more could you wish for? I admire every single one of the runners who are mad enough to train and compete rain or shine and often through blood, sweat and tears.

Suited and booted Nov '15
9) Cornwall 
- I manged to get away again in the summer to Cornwall with Rob which was lovely. It was so chilled and relaxing having a little cottage in the middle of nowhere to escape and end the summer peacefully before I started university. 
Catching crabs in Padstow Sep '15
- Christmas is always a highlight of my year. It's the time where everyone seems happier, the air is filled with children's excitement and families get together to celebrate.

Christmas biscuits Dec '15

It's safe to say that 2015 was one heck of a year and I hope that 2016 is equally as good :D

Moll xx

Monday, 4 January 2016

New Years Resolutions

Pretty much every year I haven't even bothered with New Years resolutions but this year I have quite a few, whether I will stick to them however is an entirely different subject so here goes:

1) Try not to abandon my blog again. 
- I know most bloggers go through stages where they get writer's block or just don't have the time to blog every day but I want to write more because honestly, I've missed it, a lot!

2) Take more pictures.
- When I say take more pictures, I don't mean selfies because my camera roll is just full of them. I just mean documenting when I go to pretty places that I have visited and when memories are made.
Feeding the ducks at Ribby Hall Spa Village
3) Get into shape.
- This is probably the most common resolution ever but I want to give it 100% this time round. Whether that's eating healthier, going to the gym or just walking places instead of getting the bus, I am just determined to feel healthier and more confident in my body.

4) Try new foods.
- I am terrible when it comes to trying new foods, I just stick to chicken and pasta but I want to branch out and try at least two new foods a month. At least this will make it easier when trying to order food at a restaurant.
Tried sweet potato a few months ago and now I'm obsessed! 
5) Save money.
- Not only am I terrible at trying new foods, I am also terrible at saving money. As soon as I get paid I spend my money on clothes, food, make up, bags etc. So this year round I want to put money aside and lock it away in a bank account or piggy bank that I can't touch so when it comes to wanting to buy a car or a house I have money stashed away ready.

6) Visit new places.
- Whether these places are local or not is irrelevant. I just want to explore new places and see the world. I already have a holiday booked to Turkey in the summer which is a place I have never visited before and in 2017 my sister and I are planning to go backpacking around Eastern Europe which should be fun.
Manchester - Barcelona: August 2015
7) Go on more dates.
- My boyfriend Rob and I used to go on proper dates all the time when we first started seeing each other but now we've stopped going out as much and just stay at each other's houses instead. However, this year we want to change that and are doing the alphabet dating challenge which I will definitely be blogging about. There are 26 letters in the alphabet and 52 weeks in the year. The idea is that every two weeks you do something beginning with the corresponding letter of  the alphabet. E.g. in the first two weeks of the year you do something beginning with 'A' such as going for afternoon tea or visiting an aquarium or art gallery. This something I want to last all year and keep on top of.

So there is definitely a lot to keep me busy in 2016. Anyone got any other New Year Resolutions they want to share then feel free to comment below :D
Happy 2016

Moll xx