Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Why have I started to blog?

Ok, so I have just finished my AS exams at school - for those wanting to know, the subjects that I have taken are business, psychology, religious studies and product design. And I have realised that for what seems like ages, I have a lot of spare time on my hands and instead of just lying in bed watching films all day I have decided to make use of my time and start to blog.

And I owe the urge to start blogging to a girl who went to my high school, her name is Sarah and she is fab!! You can check out her blog TinkerTaylorx here:  http://tinkertaylor-x.blogspot.co.uk/ and her YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TinkerTaylorx 

Here we are together in Austria .....

So yeah, after reading her blog for the past couple of months and watching her first ever video, I was inspired so here's to the future....


  1. You have the best legs!

  2. Molly I love you! Thank you hun, I'll make sure I shout you out on my blog :-D x


All comment welcome :)