Monday, 13 October 2014

Out in town!

I have recently started going out around town at night seen as all my friends are finally starting to turn 18 and are now allowed into all the clubs and I have to say every time that I have been out it has met up to it's expectations.
I don't know what I was initially expected, probably a load of really really drunk people all trying to hook up with each other and the occasional fight going on, but it was honestly so much better. I went with two of my best friends Charlotte and Beth and we had a fantastic time. Yes we had lots to drink but because none of us drank to excess we all had a great time and didn't have the emotional drink, throwing up, or anything that else that tends to happen when you drink more than you can handle.
I also met up with my boyfriend in town that night who had also been into town with his friends and seeing his drunk dancing was rather amusing - plus he tried to convince me that he was sober when walking home and consequently fell off the pavement!!!
At the start of the night I had my hair in a half up, half down style to keep my hair out of my face but for some unknown reason my bobble ended up coming up and I don't remember how so ended up having my hair down and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be with all the dancing and getting hot and sweaty!

As for my outfit I didn't really know what to wear, I didn't know the club we were going to so didn't know if everyone tended to dress up really nicely or went quite casual. I played it safe with a playsuit - I also feel more confident in a playsuit when dancing as opposed to a dress. This one is from H&M, was a real bargain and was perfect for a night filled with dancing. I also took a denim shirt from Primark to keep me warm in the taxi on the way home, but during the night I just tied it around my waist out of my way. For shoes I just wore navy blue canvas trainers, I have never got the hang of heels and didn't want to risk wearing them as it would have been highly likely that I would have fallen flat on my face within 2 minutes, let alone without having any alcohol.
I'm on the far right in the picture!

Overall it was a fantastic night and I cannot wait for the next time I go out with all my friends! 

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