I've been nominated for another blog post and this time it is courtesy of Georgina so thank you very much, visit her blog here, it's amazing!
So this nomination is for the Liebster Award and I was asked 11 questions which I will attempt to answer now! :D
1) Who is the most inspirational person in your life?
For me this is simple and it has to be my mum, I admire everything about her. How no matter what life throws at here she still tries to remain optimistic and still puts her daughters first.
2) If you were an animal, what would you be?
Now this is one which got me thinking as I honestly haven't got a clue. I think I'd like to be a fish as I love the water and swimming but I am not entirely sure.
3) If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?
I think the most important thing I would say was to just be myself. There have been so many times throughout life that I have pretended to be someone that I am not just to please other people. But at the end of the day, the main thing is to be happy and comfortable as yourself as the majority of people don't stick around anyway.
4) Biggest fear?
This one is simple, just losing the ones that I love the most. I cannot imagine a life without them.
5) If you could be anyone for a day past or present who would it be?
I think I would be Victoria Beckham. I'd get to wear fabulous clothes, be waited on and I'd get to spend the day with David Beckham which is obviously an added bonus
6) Where do you see yourself in 50 years time?
Wow, 50 years! I'll probably be retired from a job that I have loved with grown children and grandchildren (hopefully) just enjoying relaxing.
7) Do you have a motto or quote that you live by?
There isn't one that I live by but the most inspirational quote that I think of when I am having one of those pessimistic days is "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them" by Walt Disney.
8) Why did you start your blog?
One of my friends started blogging and I thought that it looked fun, so here I am now! You can thank her for my blog over here - TinkerTaylor haha!
9) Dogs or Cats?
Easy, easy, easy.. dogs all the way, especially my little munchkin Charlie
10) Describe your perfect day
I would have a really really long lie in with pancakes for breakfast and then go on a nice walk in the morning with my boyfriend followed by a pub tea and then an afternoon cuddled up watching films. I'm not that easy to please to be honest haha!
11) I can't leave the house without..
My phone! It is a really bad habit of mine that I take my phone everywhere, even if I don't need it I will take it regardless and I think it's really bad that our generation is so addicted to technology and social media but yes, I can definitely not leave the house without my phone!
So thank you Georgina for the lovely nomination, I am so grateful.
My 11 questions for people to answer are:
1) what is the weirdest dream you have ever had?
2) what are your plans for this summer?
3) what has been your highlight of 2015 so far?
4) if you could have have a meal with any 3 people (past or present) who would it be?
5) what is one thing you will make sure your kids know about you?
6) is there a song that describes your life?
7) if you could have any superpower what would it be?
8) what is one thing you look for most in a partner?
9) do you prefer winter or summer?
10) favourite clothing store/brand?
11) one thing you aim to have done by the end of the year?
I'm leaving the questions open for anybody to answer, either mentally or written down. Good luck guys xx
This was a great post! Thanks molly, you write so lovely! Gina xx