Sunday, 17 May 2015

First exam tomorrow...

As the title of the blog post suggests, I have my first exam of the year tomorrow and it's a business studies one! Luckily for me, business studies is the subject I enjoy the most and in my opinion is the one that I am best at. It seems to be compatable with the way that I think and the way that I learn, so I am not too worried about it at the moment. I know though that when I wake up in the morning I will be a bag of nerves until I open that exam paper at 9:15

This particular exam tomorrow is actually a resit from last year. I did alright last year, but because I've found the subject a lot easier in the last 12 months, I thought I would give it another go to try and boost my result up a grade (or two).

The past few months have been building up to this moment, the start of the exam season, and I am so glad that it is finally here because that means they will all be over soon. In exactly one month from now, I will have finished my last exams and never have to go back to my sixth form for any lessons or exams, just a leavers assembly and results day. Once these exams are over I won't have any until the second year of uni and I can't even put into words how happy that makes me. These previous months I have absolutely worked my socks off because I am so determined to do well this year. I'm not going to let anyone down like I did in my first year of exams which made me feel distant from my family who are all complete brainboxes. But this year I am going to prove to everyone that I can do it and tomorrow is the start of that... I'm ready to get into that exam hall and just smash it!!!

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