Last year I for some reason had the day off work so got to experience the whole day but this year I ended up working but only a 4 hour shift. This meant that I had to get the train to Kirkham because by 3 o'clock the lovely Rob had already had too much to drink to be able to safely come and pick me up - pfft that's how much he loves me :P
I started off Kirkham Club Day by going to the Cricket Club which is where the mighty Wesham Road Runners meet up to train. But oh my word, what a transformation. Usually on a Monday night when the runners all congregate, the outside just has a few cars and that is it. This time, the place was absolutely heaving, there was a live band providing entertainment and a lovely BBQ that smelt delicious, shame the queue for the burgers and all other yumminess was soooo long :( the place was absolutely jam packed though we struggled to find a decent place to sit down and have a drink.

After staying there listening to the music we walked through the fair but I didn't go on any rides. I'm a bit anxious of rides now because when I was younger I made myself sick on one of those teacup rides where you have a wheel to spin yourself and this was before the rid had even started. So now I refuse to go on them again!! I was such a clever 8 year old making myself ill before the ride had even started.
We made our way to meet up with all of Rob's friends then, some of whom I had met before and others who it was the first time of meeting. They are all such a lovely genuine bunch of people so it was nice to spend the day with them. We went to a number of different pubs, had a laugh, chat, listened to more live music and went on bouncy castles - like normal 19-25 year olds do on a Saturday afternoon.
And then things took a turn for the worse, I threw up - multiple times. That's what happens when a gal who can't hack their drink and usually sticks to lemonade on a night out drinks too much without having eaten any lunch or snack or any form of food since 8 o clock in the morning. Ooopsy!! :(
But, all in all it was an absolutely fantastic afternoon/evening and I can't wait to do the same again next year (but maybe I will eat some food and take it easy on the cider)
Adios xxxx
Ps: exams are nearly over, hallelujah!! In less than 48 hours they will be over for good and then I will have tons of spare time to blog blog blog!! Might do a summer writing challenge if I can find any decent ones!
Hope everyone has a lovely week ahead of them :)
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