Sunday, 7 December 2014

Day 7 - what do you wish your job was

Apologies for missing a few days out, I've been really busy recently and also a bit ill too :( but back to the writing challenge and what I wish my job was.

My ultimate career as many people know is to become a primary school teacher and I cannot wait for the day that that dream becomes a reality. This dream is getting closer and closer and knowing that if all goes well I will be studying Primary Education in September makes me so giddy. I cannot wait for what the future holds for me.

However, if we are talking weekend and part-time jobs then working at Primark isn't actually that bad. The hours I work (just 4 on a Saturday) means that I get pretty much all the weekend free yet still earning that little bit of extra money to get me through the month. If I was able to completely pick my own weekend job I would be a waitress at a cute little cafe I think. I've always loved the idea of waitressing but not been a fan of the usual hours in the evening and having late nights which would be stop from going to friends parties and meals out with Rob etc. so waitressing in a cafe would be perfect for me!

What about you guys? If you could pick your ideal job what would it be? 

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