Thursday, 26 March 2015

First time for everything.. mock results

You may have remembered that I spoke previously about bricking it for my mock exams and how I really wasn't looking forward to them at all. Yesterday was the day that the results came out and thank goodness I didn't end up getting shot by my mum because for once in my life they were fine - much better than anticipated actually. 

The only downside of the results day was that the results were given out at parent's evening which actually meant that my mum got to see my results before I did and she gave me one of those 'looks' (you know the ones I mean, the 'what the heck' looks)! She didn't say anything, just shoved the paper in my hand! 

I have never been so shocked in my life with some of those results though! 

The main shock was Religious Studies which is the worst subject in the whole entire world, I hate it and my whole soul just drains out of me when I am in this lesson. I honestly have no idea why I need to know about all these dead people's ideas about God but hey ho, I took the subject so I guess I'm stuck with it. In all the tests we had done in class before the main mock exam, I'd be getting E and D grades, but I somehow ended up with an A grade in my mock - I nearly fainted!! Still in shock now. 

I got an A* in Business, yes I find Business relatively easy and was pretty sure I had done alright it - but not THAT well!! And then I got a C in Psychology which is the subject that I enjoy the most, but there is also the most to remember. And I'm happy with a C grade in Psychology, obviously I will strive to get higher in my actual exams this year but overall I was thrilled with my results. 

So, it beats last years mocks where I got a B, 2 D's and a U!

AND... the main thing is it might (just might) get my mum off my back for a little bit who keeps complaining that I am not doing enough work for sixth form and A-Levels. And also to top it all off, if those mock results had been my actual exam results in the summer then I would have got into Uni. So now I know that it is achievable I am even more determined to do well this year!! 

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