Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Thoughts on an average day at sixth form

1. It's not even midday yet, how on earth am I supposed to function properly this early?

2. WALK FASTER dwarf, stop blocking the whole hallway

3. Only 5 hours, 12 minutes left...

4. Maybe if I look like I'm doing work the teacher won't pick me to answer the hard questions

5. Is it lunch yet?

6. Is the teacher speaking a different language or I am just that thick?!

7. I hate you.. and you and you.. I hate everyone here

8. Can be fire alarm go off in the middle of this essay?

9. Do I really need to know this for my exam?

10. Why are all the year 9's prettier than me?

11. How do children not fall over with rucksacks that size?

12. Will knowing what one philosopher thousands of year ago thought about God help in the 'outside world'? ...No? .... thought not

13. Stop playing 'Everything is awesome' full volume .. it really isn't

14. I don't understand a single thing

15. My life is a complete failure

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