Thursday, 26 March 2015

First time for everything.. mock results

You may have remembered that I spoke previously about bricking it for my mock exams and how I really wasn't looking forward to them at all. Yesterday was the day that the results came out and thank goodness I didn't end up getting shot by my mum because for once in my life they were fine - much better than anticipated actually. 

The only downside of the results day was that the results were given out at parent's evening which actually meant that my mum got to see my results before I did and she gave me one of those 'looks' (you know the ones I mean, the 'what the heck' looks)! She didn't say anything, just shoved the paper in my hand! 

I have never been so shocked in my life with some of those results though! 

The main shock was Religious Studies which is the worst subject in the whole entire world, I hate it and my whole soul just drains out of me when I am in this lesson. I honestly have no idea why I need to know about all these dead people's ideas about God but hey ho, I took the subject so I guess I'm stuck with it. In all the tests we had done in class before the main mock exam, I'd be getting E and D grades, but I somehow ended up with an A grade in my mock - I nearly fainted!! Still in shock now. 

I got an A* in Business, yes I find Business relatively easy and was pretty sure I had done alright it - but not THAT well!! And then I got a C in Psychology which is the subject that I enjoy the most, but there is also the most to remember. And I'm happy with a C grade in Psychology, obviously I will strive to get higher in my actual exams this year but overall I was thrilled with my results. 

So, it beats last years mocks where I got a B, 2 D's and a U!

AND... the main thing is it might (just might) get my mum off my back for a little bit who keeps complaining that I am not doing enough work for sixth form and A-Levels. And also to top it all off, if those mock results had been my actual exam results in the summer then I would have got into Uni. So now I know that it is achievable I am even more determined to do well this year!! 

Monday, 23 March 2015

General chit-chat post

Only one more school week to go and then we have finished for Easter and get two weeks off and I cannot wait. However, after that I only have a month and 5 days until my first exam. It's scary how quickly my time at sixth form has gone by and that in September I will be starting a new adventure in the form of university.

But for now, I am absolutely loving the spring weather that we have had here in the North of England recently. My mood is instantly lifted when it gets to summer and the sun is shining. I might even brave some shorts and dresses without tights soon if the good weather continues. Don't get me wrong I love living in England but the weather is absolutely rubbish and it's the first thing I would change. I just want more sun!!!

Talking of sun, me and Rob have decided to book another trip away, we're planning on going to Majorca in October so that Rob can run a half marathon over there. It means we get a nice long weekend together in sun sun sun!! Cannot believe though that Rob is wanted to go alllllllllll the way to another country just to run 13 miles though. :P It should be really good though, we're going with a bunch of people from his running club who are some of the nicest people I have met  I cannot wait though, I love holidays.. got my countdowns all set and everything :D

Today I tried something different with my running and actually went off road and through the woods that I live near. Recently the woods have been really wet and muddy so now that the sun has been shining and the mud has dried up a bit I thought I would give it a go and I found it so much better than just a normal road run, it made for a nice change of scenery even if I did get chased by 2 dogs half the way there. Anyone go running much and got any tips for not getting bored half way through? I get quite bored just running around the same roads each time I go out, and I've only just really started. Anyone get any tips they will be greatly appreciated! Also, do you prefer running by yourself or with a buddy?

Adios guys, will speak soon :D

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Getting back into running...

I guess having a boyfriend who is a pretty damn good runner and a dad as a runner should mean that I'd have taken up running a LOT earlier.. but nope, not me.

I used to run (a little bit) a couple of years ago and was part of a running club which is how I met the wonderful Rob, but then it started getting colder, my work load at sixth form built up and I had exams to cope with and I quite frankly couldn't be bothered at all so I stopped it.

But within the past couple of weeks I've started to pick it up again and I'm going to be honest.. I love getting back into the swing of things. I always feel so much better after a run, I can be in a horrible mood before hand but once I've sweated it all out then I feel fab!

This past week I have gone for 4 runs, all just over 2 miles each. I'm gradually going to start building up the mileage and document my progress. I think one of the problems I had previously was trying to do too many miles straight away which made me hate pretty much every single run because I nearly died at the end of each one. So this time round I'm starting off slowly to make sure I stay in the habit and don't just give up after a month. I'm determined to do a 10K at some point; my ideal aim would be to have a run a marathon by the time I die but right now that is a tad ambitious.

Let's just hope the weather stays nice for now so I can be more motivated to go for my nice little runs :D

Also, shout out to this wonderful fella for getting a Personal Best in his Wilmslow Half Marathon today, words can't express how proud I am of you, even if you did throw up multiple times after you'd finish (...lovely)
My boy <3

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

I'm not ready to grow up

Growing up is one of those things that is inevitable, it happens to everyone and I freakin hate that!!

I wish I could have stayed 8 years old forever, life was brilliant back them. When you're 8 all that matters is having trainers that flash when you stamp your foot and the hardest thing is finding Wally! Those were the good old days ey?

I am one of the most childish immature people in the world and I am just not ready to move on with life. I don't want to have to finish sixth form, or go to uni and move away from Preston. I'm just not ready to be independent with no one to rely on - I can't even remember to feed my fish every day for God's sake, how am I going to cope by myself every day at uni?!

I'm not ready to do all the 'adult things'. Having to work full time, do everything myself and pay for boring things like water and electricity and not just clothes and holidays. I know it will obviously get much much easier when it's actually happening but right now I still feel very much a child at heart and it feels like I'm growing up too quickly and I didn't appreciate my childhood enough, it was the best ever.

I'm happy with the way things are at the minute and I don't like not knowing what the future will look like. What if I don't like what happens? I wish there was a magic pill you could take that kept you like Peter Pan and you never grow up

Monday, 16 March 2015

Revision revision revision

Mock exam week results come out next week at my school and even before I them out I know one thing.. I have to get my bum into gear and get some work done (and quick!!!!)

I have actually been pretty good these last couple of weeks using my free periods at school to do work whereas I always used to just mess around on my iPad browsing the Daily Mail and shopping online! I've also been doing a bit of work in the evenings but not much and I always try to leave my weekends free if possible to just relax. But I think that needs to change. 

I worked out today that it is only 63 days until my first exam, so just over 2 months away, yikes. And my last exam is 93 days away. Meaning just 3 months of hard work to go and then I can relax. I will be able to have a much better summer if I know for a fact that I did my very best and there is nothing more I could have done. 

Revision has always been a complete bore to me and I just used to read the textbook the night before and hope for the best, which never happened, hence why I had to redo year of sixth form. I wouldn't recommend that revision technique to anyone, I've been there, done that, and it worked horrendously. 

Last year though I tried something new, I actually revised months ahead of my exams and surprise surprise it worked and I was happy with my results. So obviously I am doing this again this year. Revision is going well and I have already made loads of revision cards for the 54 different case studies I need to know in full in psychology and I have made revision sheets for my other subjects too. I've made them all look nice and pretty because I know if it's just in plain black and white I will never look at them again. I've been surprised with how effective they have been to be perfectly honest with you. Who knew just adding a bit of colour would help?!

Revision sheets so far
Revision cards
So yeah, a few things are going to have to take a bit of backseat for now as revision is my number 1 priority and blogging may be one of the things that I stop for a little bit, but we will see how things go ey? 

Molly xxx

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Is anyone ever happy with the way they look?

When I hear people talk about how they hate their body, especially girls, it genuinely makes me feel sad. I'm not saying I love my body at all, but I don't think it's horrendous either. But getting extremely upset when you look in a mirror is something that happens to many people out there and I think that this needs to change. If Gok Wan had anything to do with us then he would be getting us all naked telling us to love ourselves... maybe I wouldn't go that far! 
Self-confidence is something that a lot of people lack, especially when it comes to their appearance. We are always so keen to compliment others on how nice their hair looks, what they are wearing, how nice their figure is etc. Yet when it happens to us we're like "erm... pardon? what? .... nice joke!!" Not many people actually accept a compliment and can look in the mirror and be happy with they see in the reflection. I know definitely want lots of things improving with the way I look.

Yet everyone has different ideals: I know people who want to be thinner, whilst others want to be more toned, others want to bulk up massively and others want to gain weight. Often short people want to be taller and tall people want to be shorter, people with straight hair wish they had naturally curly wavy hair and vice versa. I could look at every single one of my friends and say they looked perfect and nothing should be changed but they are determined that they are not happy with themselves even though no-one else sees anything wrong. 

It got me thinking, is any one ever 100% completely happy with the way that they look or does everyone want to change something about themselves? 

I think we all need to start being positive and accepting ourselves as who we are more often and try to make a change. I know that I've started back at the gym after a couple of months off to try to be happier with my body but I know that I will never be 100% happy, there will always be something I want to improve. 

Lets try and stay positive guys!! xxx

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Age is just a number...

Today in psychology we had a cover teacher and as with every time your normal teacher is away, you do anything but the work you're supposed to do. The discussion this lesson led to talking about age gaps in a relationship and I thought I had a bit of experience on this topic so well here goes :P

When you're a teenager age gaps in a relationship are seen as such a big deal but as you get older and older the gap seems much smaller. Age gaps are actually more common than people think. I know a lot of my friends have been or are currently with someone who is more than a couple of years older than them. 

Now I met Rob when I was 16 and he was 22. As soon we went public I was questioned about it by a lot of people I know. A 5 and a bit year gap when I was just  16 was seen as a big deal and wrong in many people's eyes. But I honestly never thought anything of it and I'm pretty sure that Rob didn't either. I don't see Rob as someone who is much older than me, I see us as equal and he's the guy I love regardless of his age. Age isn't even a factor anymore. The only time I have ever really seen the age gap is when I was under 18 and couldn't get alcohol, go clubbing and watch '18' rated films at the cinema and he could, but now I'm over 18 I forget about the age gap as it is totally irrelevant. Yet although it doesn't bother me or Rob, I used to constantly find myself justifying our relationship to others and reassuring people, my parents especially. 

Age gaps are totally fine in the media and celebrity couples, so why not in 'real life'? Just look at these couples with major age gaps:
  • Beyonce and Jay Z = 12 years
  • Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse = 17 years
  • Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo = 10 years gap
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas = 25 years
  • Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds = 11 years
I was wondering whether it was just me with this idea as there are a fair few people who think age gaps shouldn't happen so I got a couple of other people's suggestions on the topic:

"I think that age gaps should never be an issue. Each individual falls in love with someone for a reason. Just like people shouldn't be judged on gender preferences, they shouldn't be judged on age gaps" - Jess

"When you really love someone, age, distance, height and weight are just god damn numbers. Who cares if one is older than the other? God was like 100,000 years older than Mary when he got her knocked up" - Harriet (always known for her highly sensible thoughts :P

And of course I asked Rob on his thoughts on our age gap - "Age isn't really something that has concerned me about our relationship at all throughout the entire time that we have been going out. Our gap is about 5.5 years(?) but I wouldn't say that the difference makes me any maturer (is that even a word!!?), in fact half the time you are still maturerer than me (ok that one definitely isn't a word). I have been around people older than myself all my life, from a young age, so I suppose for me it has alwasy been the norm to ignore it as an issue. And of course, I fell in love with you and for that reason nothing else matters" - aww he's cute

So it looks as if I am not alone with my thoughts on age gaps, would love to hear everyone else's views on this or if you yourself have a relatively big age gap and if it's even given you problems.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Appreciate the small things

This morning I watched a clip of Emma Watson's HeForShe campaign speech and it got me thinking about equality but not just between males and females. Why is that some people on earth have much better access to things in life than others? How is this fair? Why aren't the more powerful countries (USA/UK etc.) doing more about this to eradicate inequality around the world?

Our society is one which takes the majority of things for granted yet we still complain:

We complain that our mum or dad hasn't cooked us our favourite meal whilst at the same time the UN estimates over 800 million people are currently starving and suffering from chronic undernourishment.

We complain about the weather and that it's rained all day. Yet many countries are so hot that they can't even grow crops. Or its raining so much that everything they have worked for is flooded.

We complain about school, how much work we have, how we dislike our teachers. But just think of all those children who would die to be able to go to a school like ours. Think of all those children who don't have the education or qualifications to set them up for life.

We complain about having a cold, or there being a long wait at the doctors. But what about all those children currently dying of AIDS, malnutrition, malaria etc. Their chances of survival are tiny and everything would have been different if they had just been brought up in a different area of the world.

I know that is it an absolutely mammoth goal to abolish world hunger and poverty but if I had just one wish it would be for equality across the world. I know everyone is guilty of taking things for granted but if everyone just started to appreciate what they had more then the world would become a much better place.

Would absolutely love to hear your views on this so please get in touch!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

7 places I want to visit before I die

Travelling has always been a major interest of mine, whether just locally, around the country or abroad. I have been lucky to have visited a lot of countries but they have all been in Europe. By the time I die I want to have visited so many more places and see what the other corners of the world have to offer. 
So here goes, places I want to visit:

1) Kenya (I really really really want to go on a safari, only problem is I'd need injections to go and they scare me *cries*)

2) Sydney, Australia

3) Skiathos, Greek Island (where Mamma Mia was filmed)

4) New York

5) Bora Bora 

6) The Phi Phi Islands (pretty much because Rob's cat is called Fifi and they sound the same haha ... oh and it looks like paradise)
So yeah if anyone has a bucket load of money that they don't know what to do with then please donate kindly for the 'Molly travels the world' fund! ... no?... hmm worth a try!

*none of the above photos are my own - obviously, as I haven't visited them yet*

Saturday, 7 March 2015

6 things I wish I'd known at high school...

So I'm not actually much older than high school age myself, only two and a half years older in fact so I can't judge anyone there or say they are doing things wrong but there are certainly things that I would have changed or wish that I had known....

1) Exam results aren't the end of the world - I was absolutely determined to get straight A's at the end of my high school GCSE's and yes I did do pretty well (1 A*, 10 A's and a B) but to be honest, I could have got away with getting lower grades and still got into the sixth form I am at now. Teenagers are put under so much pressure to get straight A*s at high school when really getting an A in geology (study of rocks) isn't likely to get me anywhere at all in life.

2) Family is what the world revolves around - Everyone spends so much time at high school arguing with their parents, telling them to shut up and to go away when actually when you look back you realise how much time you have wasted that could have been spent with your loved ones.

3) Do things for yourself - Too many young people get caught up trying to impress the wrong person and are devastated when it all falls apart. Live your life impressing yourself not some jerk who isn't worth a single second of your time. Been there done that it honestly gets you nowhere.

4) Never get pressured into doing anything - This goes with number 3, there will be times when people try to force you do things and it is completely fine to say NO! It doesn't mean you're childish or a coward, it means you have self-respect and that is going to get you places giiiiirl!! It's ok to say no to anything you aren't comfortable with whether its drink, smoking or anything else. Those who try to force you obviously don't have your best interests at heart.

5) Make the most of every single day - You're going to look back on your time at high school and realise that they were the easiest and best times of your life. I would honestly do anything to go back and live those five years again!

6) You're next few years are a roller-coaster -  you will gain one truly amazing boyfriend in your life but sadly you lose another special man in your life. But things get better, I promise you!

High school I miss you :(

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Thoughts on an average day at sixth form

1. It's not even midday yet, how on earth am I supposed to function properly this early?

2. WALK FASTER dwarf, stop blocking the whole hallway

3. Only 5 hours, 12 minutes left...

4. Maybe if I look like I'm doing work the teacher won't pick me to answer the hard questions

5. Is it lunch yet?

6. Is the teacher speaking a different language or I am just that thick?!

7. I hate you.. and you and you.. I hate everyone here

8. Can be fire alarm go off in the middle of this essay?

9. Do I really need to know this for my exam?

10. Why are all the year 9's prettier than me?

11. How do children not fall over with rucksacks that size?

12. Will knowing what one philosopher thousands of year ago thought about God help in the 'outside world'? ...No? .... thought not

13. Stop playing 'Everything is awesome' full volume .. it really isn't

14. I don't understand a single thing

15. My life is a complete failure

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

And in 5 years time...

Carrying on from my last post talking about the past and the future I've come with a list (we all love lists right?!) of the .... things I want to have achieved in the next 5 years:

1. Have done well enough in my A-Levels to get into the University of Cumbria
2. To have graduated from said university
3. To be in a teaching job - not too fussed what type in the short term
4. To finally own a car - preferably a small pink one but beggars can't be choosers
5. Own two rabbits called Flopsy and Fumbles *cute*
6. Have a house and have it all decorated like a proper interior designer making it look all adulty and grown-up like
7. Have taken Rob to Switzerland because it is the most beautiful place in the whole wide world
8. Gone on a hot air balloon flight
9. Know a lot more than 'Bonjour' in French
10. This blog being more successful and reaching a wider audience
11. Be able to last more than 2 hours without my room being a tip
12. Go on a proper skydive (Maybe! Undecided yet, think I would bottle it)
13. Be able to run more than 10 minutes without feeling I am about to die
14. Maybe even be engaged.. who knows what the future brings?
15. Have happiness, true proper happiness

Monday, 2 March 2015

Memories - what makes them special?

I spend my whole life in the past: what I could have done better, what days I enjoyed most, what I would change if I could start over again etc. And so many people tell you not to live in the past but to look forward to what the future may bring but I say 'screw that'.

The past is the only thing that you are certain of, for all you know your future may be shocking and there may you may not be your happiest for a few months - I know I definitely felt that way this time last year. But the past always has so many fantastic memories that you can look back on and feel happy. Memories allow you to be transported back into a time when you were so content and things felt perfect. You can remember all the laughs you had and people who you may not have seen for a while.

It got me thinking what makes memories so special and the answer is obviously the people that you spend it with. Not one of my favourite memories has been of just me, it's been times that I have spent with the people that I care about most: my family, friends and of course Rob. It doesn't matter where you are, what the weather's like, what you're doing, but as long as you're surrounded by people you love I will guarantee you will look back on that time and cherish the memory forever.

But the thing is, moments end but memories will stay forever and I can't wait to make more memories with the people I love. Who knows what the future will hold.

Moll xx