The only downside of the results day was that the results were given out at parent's evening which actually meant that my mum got to see my results before I did and she gave me one of those 'looks' (you know the ones I mean, the 'what the heck' looks)! She didn't say anything, just shoved the paper in my hand!
I have never been so shocked in my life with some of those results though!
The main shock was Religious Studies which is the worst subject in the whole entire world, I hate it and my whole soul just drains out of me when I am in this lesson. I honestly have no idea why I need to know about all these dead people's ideas about God but hey ho, I took the subject so I guess I'm stuck with it. In all the tests we had done in class before the main mock exam, I'd be getting E and D grades, but I somehow ended up with an A grade in my mock - I nearly fainted!! Still in shock now.
I got an A* in Business, yes I find Business relatively easy and was pretty sure I had done alright it - but not THAT well!! And then I got a C in Psychology which is the subject that I enjoy the most, but there is also the most to remember. And I'm happy with a C grade in Psychology, obviously I will strive to get higher in my actual exams this year but overall I was thrilled with my results.
So, it beats last years mocks where I got a B, 2 D's and a U!
AND... the main thing is it might (just might) get my mum off my back for a little bit who keeps complaining that I am not doing enough work for sixth form and A-Levels. And also to top it all off, if those mock results had been my actual exam results in the summer then I would have got into Uni. So now I know that it is achievable I am even more determined to do well this year!!